Friday, September 11, 2009

It hurts like the Chickens!

This is what my five year old said not too long ago. She was complaining about a broken toenail, pleading with me to finish what I was doing so that I could come to her rescue and fix it. "Please Mom! It hurts like the chickens!" She's as cute as a bug.

"Narp-denar!" This is what #1 would shout whenever we drove around the bend to grandma and grandpa's house. He was about 1 1/2, almost 2. I couldn't figure out what the heck he was saying, until one day, we saw a commercial on TV and he started shouting it again. It was a commercial for Menards, and they sang that catchy line "Save big money AT MENARDS". He chanted along with them "See big mommy narp-denar". Then they showed the Menards sign on the commercial. That was it! Everytime we drove by the blasted Menards, he saw the sign and sang the jingle. And God only knows why he thought I was "narp-denar-ing".

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