Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Definition of CLEAN

Definition of CLEAN

Kids have a different definition of 'clean' than any other species on this planet.

CLEAN bathroom means that only 'clean' towels are hung up, and all towels that aren't clean remain on the floor and are reclassified as RUGS.

CLEAN kitchen means that all cookies, brownies, and chips have been removed from all surfaces.

CLEAN backyard means that anything left behind is too small to break the mower when it's run over, or it belongs to a sibling, and therefore does not count

CLEAN bedroom means that most food has been removed. All magazines are conveniently stowed beneath the bed.

CLEAN living room means that all video controllers have been located and re-docked in their charging stations.

This is why parents still yell.


  1. I'd be happy with most of those, except the bathroom one. Folding and hanging is a skill. Whe we remodel the kids' bathroom, we will use all hooks, no bars

  2. I am so delighted with your blog, it made me laugh. However, Joe was so embarrased that I used to have him clean up his room etc. 'cos he said he had the cleanest room in the whole class!!! It was so embarrasing for him. When he was single he used to color code his clothes, hang them 1" apart on the racks and his shoes were all neatly placed on the floor of the closet. Not the same now tho'. What does it all mean anyway. When you get to my age group it's only the happiness and health of the family that matters at all. keep up the good blog. Joes mum
