When #1 was 4 or 5, he asked me why God has so many names. I was really thrilled that all of our efforts to enrich his little life spiritually were paying off with truly Christian curiosity. I asked him what he meant.
"Well, there's Messiah, and Father, and Jesus, and God, and Howard"
"Huh? Howard?"
"You know. 'Our Father who art in Heaven, Howard be thy name...'"
It was that same year that Grandpa ruined Heaven for him. As Grandpa was driving him home, they passed a cemetery. #1 asked what all those odd-looking rocks were. Grandpa saw this as such a beautiful teaching moment.
"Well, sonny, those are headstones"
...blank stare...
"But why do they put them all in the middle of a cold field, Grandpa? "
"That's where they bury people when they die"
"What?!? The Priest said that people go to Heaven when they die. That's not true?!?"
"Well, of course... uh... yes, that's what I meant, I... "
Hey Thanks Grandpa!
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